发表时间: 2021-04-07 15:11
A kind of clay has the colors of yellow, brown and green. It was very popular in the Tang Dynasty .It was later called the tri_colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty.
The Tang tri_colored glazed pottery has three colors,because there are three different kinds of metals in it. They are added into the clay during this process. The three colors made it different from other clay arts at the time. It is usually round and full in shape and very popular, so it could attract many people.The pictures on it very lovely and include all kinds of persons and animals. The soldiers were strong and the women had long hair. The animals were mainly horses and camels.
The Tang Dynasty was one of the strongest countries around the world at the time. As a result, the stock was developed every well in many rich people's homes. It caused the main characters of Tang tri_colored glazed pottery to be the stock,too.
According the record of the history, people invented all kinds of models of animals first.Then they put the clay into them and burned in the fire.After they came into the real clay, they decorated them carefully to make them look like the real ones. Today it's very important for historians to research the history of China.